7 Little Johnstons: Emma Johnston - Liz Johnston

Eagle-eyed 7 Little Johnstons fans spotted Liz Johnston’s pregnant belly in recent TLC scenes. What are some of the clues that point to this?

7 Little Johnstons: Liz Johnston Hid Her Pregnancy For Months

7 Little Johnstons fans following Liz Johnston’s social media updates know she gave birth to her daughter. Leighton Drew Bolden arrived in November of 2023. Because fans know the outcome between Liz, Brice Bolden, and the arrival of their daughter, it has been a matter of reverse engineering things in current Season 14 scenes and looking for clues.

Amber Johnston revealed that Liz didn’t tell her and Trent Johnston about her pregnancy until she was 21 weeks in, more than halfway through. Naturally, 7 Little Johnstons fans have been looking for clues throughout Season 14 that Liz was already pregnant. So far, there have been more than a few clues for those looking for them.

7 Little Johnstons: Trent Johnston – Amber Johnston/YouTube

Scattered Pregnancy Clues Throughout Season 14 Of TLC Show

For 7 Little Johnstons fans looking through Season 14 scenes with the eye of a detective, there have been numerous clues throughout that suggest Liz Johnston was already hiding her pregnancy. One scene that fans pointed out was Liz not drinking mimosas while out to brunch with Anna Johnston and Jonah’s girlfriend.

In more recent scenes, while everyone was partying it up in Austin for the Little People Conference 2023, Liz kept it noticeably low-key. She passed up on taking a shot when everyone else did. She said in scenes that she didn’t want to party too hard and feel “crappy.” However, even Anna Johnston noted it was “odd” to see her sister pass up liquor.

More than once this season, Liz has passed on drinking alcohol, with many viewers suspecting it’s because she already knew she was pregnant. Making things even more interesting, Liz just announced publicly in scenes that she and Brice were officially back together, yet she was already refusing alcohol.

7 Little Johnstons: Liz Johnston – Brice Bolden/YouTube

This adds validity to the 7 Little Johnstons fan theory that has been making the rounds, which is that Liz Johnston got pregnant while she and Brice were split up.

7 Little Johnstons Fans Spot Liz’s Pregnant Belly In Scenes?

In a recent scene, you can see Liz Johnston once again wearing a lot of layers. This is another clue that fans have noticed. On top of that, she makes an effort to pull her jacket over her belly, as if she was trying to hide it because TLC cameras were there.

For a split second, if you look close enough, it looks like Liz is making a genuine effort to cover up her pregnant belly. Another interesting fact is that the Austin conference was held between June 30 and July 7, 2023. Liz welcomed baby Leighton on November 3, 2023. So, she was clearly pregnant and already showing by June/July 2023.

7 Little Johnstons: Liz Johnston

  • One 7 Little Johnstons fan said: “Anyone else think Liz’s belly is showing a bit in that video too?”
  • Another TLC fan said: “Yes. Didn’t anyone else think it was strange that Liz has been dressed in layers like it was November? Everyone around her is dressed in skimpy summer wear & there she is with sweatshirts and big shirts. No one got suspicious? Did she room alone at the LP conference? If she roomed with someone, her pregnancy would’ve been difficult to hide.”

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