Heather Sykes - Whitney Way Thore Instagram

Whitney Way Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life got TLC fans convinced that she treats her friends badly. In fact, they wondered if she had pushed Heather Sykes away after her mom died. Actually, some people think she might be jealous of her friend because TLC fans liked Heather so much. Now, fans wonder if they are besties anymore. Read on to find out their reasoning.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Star Whitney Way Thore is A Poor Friend?

When Glenn Thore’s daughter threw a party in remembrance of her mom, Babs, fans were quick to spot the fact that Heather wasn’t there. While TLC fans thought it was the weirdest party ever, they also noted who attended. Most people who watched My Big Fat Fabulous Life over the years are well aware that Heather cared about her friend on the show since 2015. Mind you, they occasionally clashed, which isn’t unusual with Glenn’s daughter.

People also wonder what’s going on with Whitney Way Thore who seemed to miss her friend, Buddy Bell’s wedding. They’ve seen her get snarky with her business partner and friend, Jessica. That came when the MBFFL star threatened her with her job if she didn’t learn aquatic exercises for a video. All, in all, most TLC fans agree that she’s a poor friend to those people who hang around her.

MBFFL Whitney Way Thore & Heather Sykes Are No Longer Besties?

Recently on Reddit, an OP asked about Heather Sykes and the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star. In the post, they wrote:

Whitney and Heather clearly are no longer friends. She was asked if she was still friends with Heather in a live, and avoided answering, similarly to how she dies (sic) with the Frenchman. Does anyone have any tea on this or know why??? 👀”

Well, it turns out that others also wonder about that.

MBFFL Are Whitney Way Thore And Heather Sykes Still Besties

MBFFL fans don’t think that Whitney Way Thore And Heather Sykes are still besties – Reddit

One person opined that Whitney Way Thore‘s “original friends feel so off to me. I am wondering if they are just tired of her personality? I’d [b]e exhausted of her too especially knowing her for so long. Maybe they just stay around for the paycheck at this point? Just a theory. I feel like Whitless hates seeing people do well in her life, and I think she’s an extremely jealous person.”

More People Seem Convinced The Party’s Over

More critics of Whitney Way Thore commented in the sub. One of them wrote, “Heather and Ashley don’t have any pictures of them with Whit on Insta, but Heather and Ashley are all over each other’s posts. Interesting.”

Actually, there’s one picture on Heather Sykes‘ Instagram if you scroll down far enough. It came as a tribute to honor Babs after she passed away.

The last time Heather Sykes shared a photo of Whitney was in a December tribute to Babs - Instagram

The last time Heather Sykes shared a photo of Whitney was in a December tribute to Babs – Instagram

Are you surprised that the MBFFL star seems to have experienced a cooling off with her best friend, Heather Sykes? Why do you think Whitney Way Thore avoided answering questions about Heather during a live? Let us know in the comments below and follow us for all your My Big Fat Fabulous Life news.

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