90 Day Fiance star Emily Bieberly is angry about some recent accusations about her. And she says she has a few things she would like to clear up about her current life situation.

90 Day Fiance: Emily Bieberly Reveals Things Happen Fast For Her

Emily Bieberly says she is getting a lot of negativity from people who know nothing about her. The reality star adds she is tired of people calling her a moocher. She is not gaining popularity points with reality television fans.

However, she feels she is unfairly judged by viewers who do not know the full story. She wants to set the record straight about her husband Kobe Blaise and her family. Emily knows her parents, David and Lisa Bieberly, are unhappy with how fast she moved.

The 90 Day Fiance mom says everything in her life happens at a fast pace. Her engagement and first pregnancy were a lot for her family to accept. She adds while waiting for Kobe to come to the United States, she and their son Koban were living with her parents.

Kobe Blaise was finally permitted to go to the United States on a K-1 Visa. He moved in with Emily and her parents. The couple had 90 days to get married.

But the one thing her dad and mom did not want was for their daughter to get pregnant again right away. However, she admits immediately became pregnant with their second child anyway.

TLC Star Responds To Mooching Accusations

Fast forward to now, and the 90 Day Fiance couple and their two children’s living arrangements have not changed. This is a situation that fans can not accept. TLC viewers believe that Kobe and Emily Bieberly unfairly take advantage of her mom and dad.

They have labeled her as a moocher. Now Emily is clapping back. She wants to let everyone know the real situation.

Emily Bieberly explains, “you only see one side of our life. My dad is a saint, he would literally do anything for any of his children. And he let Kobe move in here.”

Emily praises her father, David, for allowing his son-in-law to move in when he did not even know him. She says that despite her father covering all their expenses while Kobe found a job, she doesn’t consider that as taking advantage of him.

90 Day Fiance Star Emily Reveals Current Living Arrangements

It has been a while since the 90 Day Fiance couple moved into her parents’ home. Emily Bieberly admits that she and Kobe and their two children, Koban and Scarlet, still live with her folks. But she wants everyone to know dad David is fine with the arrangement.

She said he told them to move out when they’re ready. Now, she says they are actively looking for a home of their own. However, the market is bad, and they have yet to find a house they love. She also wants to clarify one more thing to those accusing her of mooching.

“I don’t think I take advantage of him (her father.) I know it seems like it, but I really don’t.” She continues to say that they absolutely pull their weight. She says Kobe takes care of the animals.

The 90 Day Fiance celeb adds she does a lot of the cooking and cleaning. “So it’s not like we sit around here doing nothing,” she said back at her haters. Do you feel Emily Bieberly is taking advantage of her dad?

Is it time for her to move out with Kobe and the kids and stand on their own? Most TLC fans agree they do not care for attitude often. However, they agree they believe she is completely taking advantage of the situation.

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