The clip was posted on Tori’s Instagram Story.

Tori Roloff recently shared a new video of her son, Jackson, 6, on her Instagram Story.Credit: Instagram/ toriroloff

Jackson goes to visit his little brother, Josiah, while he was in his crib.Credit: Instagram/ toriroloff

The TLC star shared a video of Jackson, 6, and her youngest son, Josiah, 1.

Jackson walked over to visit Josiah in his crib while the young tot giggled away.

Zach, 33, and Tori, 31, also have a daughter, Lilah, 3, who was not in the video.

The clip showed just how bowed Jackson’s legs still are despite having undergone painful surgery to help straighten them.


However, many fans took notice of how Jackson was walking and were concerned.

“I feel so bad for Jackson. It looks like the surgery didn’t really work,” the original Reddit poster said.

“I hope they can do something else to help with his walking! Hopefully he’s not in pain.”

“Poor kid is literally walking on the sides of his feet.It actually looks worse now than before he had his surgery.Just looks really painful,” one fan wrote.

Another replied, “It’s gonna screw his feet up.”

“Yeah this is just heartbreaking to see,” admitted a third.

Another pointed out: “The surgery was not supposed to be an one and done surgery. He is having more smaller surgeries over his childhood to straighten his legs, he is still growing. Instead of having one huge incredibly painful long recovery surgery when he is closer to full grown they opted for this route with the guidance of their doctors.”


In 2021, Jackson underwent surgery to help with his condition.

Tori and her husband Zach explained at the time that Jackson’s surgery wasn’t necessarily going to ensure an easy fix.

In early 2022, Tori explained the procedure on Instagram: “He had plates put on his growth plates. Nothing changed immediately.

“As his legs grow, they will hopefully straighten, and we will avoid a more invasive surgery.”

In June, she also stated: “We won’t know how successful the surgery was for a couple of years, as it’s something that happens slowly and over time.”

In November, Zach revealed that they still hadn’t seen any clear results post-op.

During a Q&A with his fans, when asked about Jackson he shared: “He’s good. It’s tough because the screws in his legs help straighten the leg as he grows.

“Well for him, he maybe grows [an] inch a year so it’s tough to see and won’t be obvious for a while. [An] Average person with the same surgery, you would see the difference a lot quicker.”

Fans are still concerned about little Jackson’s legs.Credit: Instagram/ toriroloff

In the past, Jackson got surgery in order to straighten his legs.Credit: YouTube

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