Tori Roloff is getting so close, you guys.

And it sure sounds like she’s ready.

The Little People, Big World took to her Instagram Stories page this week and opened up once again about how she’s feeling these days… as she waits to give birth to child number-three.

“I’ll see some other girl online post about how big she is and be like, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re the same size,’ and feel less huge,” wrote the TLC personality to followers.

“Then, I’ll read the rest of her caption only to find out she’s pregnant with twins.”

Tori went on to admit she feels like a “giant” at the moment because not even her maternity clothes even fit anymore.

This isn’t the first time Roloff had made such a remark, either. She’s confessed to discomfort with her body ever since her baby bump started to show.

“Sometimes I struggle with how I look during pregnancy,” the reality TV star said several weeks ago, adding the time:

“I’m uncomfortable in regular clothes. But I’m trying hard to love myself through pregnancy because our bodies are insane. Right?”

Yes. They absolutely are. Women are superheroes.

“Reminder: growing a human is hard,” Tori added in January.

Tori and husband Zach announced in November that baby number-three is on the way.

They’re aleady parents to a son named Jackson and a daughter named Lilah, and they sadly lost a second daughter (who they had named Hannah) to a miscarriage just over a year ago.

In the wake of this tragedy, Roloff recently said that he’s been harder to enjoy this pregnancy… compared to the previous pair, that is.

“I feel like miscarriage truly steals your joy. This pregnancy, it’s been so difficult to get excited,” Tori shared on Instagram last month.

“We have seen [the] baby multiple times and we’ve heard his/her heartbeat a ton.

“And it’s strong…

“I’m starting to feel baby move pretty consistently and that has really helped me relax and enjoy these moments with our sweet babe!!”

Tori previously told fans that she won’t be finding out this baby’s gender until he or she arrives.

She’s also said that she and Zach won’t know whether the child is a dwarf until he or she arrives.

To be clear, of course, Tori isn’t complaining.

Yes, she’s struggled with her body image. And, yes, she remains understandably scarred by her miscarriage. However…

“I am so grateful to God for this gift,” Tori acknowledged a short while ago, right around the holidays.

“This pure and whole gift and I am so thankful that my body is capable of growing this sweet life.

“I can’t believe this is our last Christmas without him/her!”

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