Little People Big World
star Amy Roloff shares a special bond with all seven of her grandchildren. However, her bond with her grandson, Jackson Roloff, is just a little extra special than the others. After all, he was the first Roloff grandchild and the one who made her a Mimi.

Amy relates to her three grandchildren from her son Zach Roloff and daughter-in-law Tori Roloff more than her other grandkids. LPBW fans know Amy herself is a little person and also raised a little person. So that makes her uniquely qualified to give input and advice. Plus her first-hand experiences make whatever she shares even more useful to Tori and Zach.

Little People Big World cutie Jackson Roloff started a new season of soccer this past week. His mom Tori Roloff shared that she’s starting to feel that others are starting to feel that there’s something different about her son.

Continue reading to see what Tori shares about Jackson and the special messages Amy Roloff delivers to Tori and her oldest grandson, Jackson.

Little People Big World: Jackson’s Realization At First Soccer Game

Little People Big World star Jackson Roloff was excited to start a new season of soccer with his new team. However, while waiting to get started Jackson’s mom Tori says the other tea was wondering why Jackson was so small compared to the others. Tori firmly believes it was just out of curiosity and not bullying. Still, their questions rattled Jackson so much so that he went to the sidelines to tell his mom what happened. Tori was quick to reassure Jackson. Tori told Jackson:

“that’s how God made you, now show them how fast you are!”

Armed with his mom’s words of encouragement, Little People Big World‘s Jackson Roloff then proceeded to score a goal. Both he and his mom were “stoked”. Tori says:

“pretty stoked my pep talk got him his first soccer goal!”

Although Tori shares Jackson’s becoming aware he’s different, she’s hoping he doesn’t see he’s different in the way he thinks he is. Jackson is different. It’s not because of his size or dwarfism. It is because he is different in the way he sees and loves others. Tori’s hope for her oldest son is that he uses his differences to change the world.

LPBW: Amy Roloff Sends Special Messages To Jackson and Tori

Little People Big World matriarch Amy Roloff is fast to acknowledge Tori’s vulnerable post about Jackson realizing he’s different. Amy offers strong praise to both her daughter-in-law and son for how well they are raising Jackson. Amy totally understands the challenges of being a mom of a little person. After all, she raised Zach and Jackson is very much Zach’s mini-me with his love of soccer. Amy’s message to Tori says:

“You’re an amazing Mama to him, Tori. I know how you feel, I felt very similar things and I’m a little person Mom. You’ve got this. He’s got this. With You And Zach as his parents. You two are showing him how awesome he is.”

The Little People Big World Mimi of seven shares this special message to her grandson Jackson:

“Mimi loves you, Jackson”

Amy knows the wonderful job Zach and Tori are doing raising Jackson to see his “differences” as a good thing. Amy says Jackson is an amazing kid and God is smiling at him all the time.

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Catch up on Season 24 and all past seasons of Little People Big World streaming on Discovery+.

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