Christine Brown has gained a lot of fan attention from her divorce and new relationship, but not everyone who watches Sister Wives likes her.

Sister Wives star Christine Brown has seen an increase in fan support over the past few seasons, but some still don’t like her. Since her divorce from Kody Brown and the announcement of her new boyfriend, David Woolley, Christine has completely changed as a person. She is more outspoken and has only become more confident in herself. Her willingness to speak her mind is one of the many reasons Christine has become a Sister Wives fan favorite.

Sister Wives Christine Brown has grown a lot over the past few years. She has learned to demand the respect she deserves and stands up for what she wants. She has also evolved from the views and opinions she held in the first few seasons of Sister Wives. Christine maintained her steadfast views on polygamy; the fact that she was the first wife to leave Kody came as a surprise. Despite these new developments, Christine still isn’t beloved by everyone who watches the show.

5 Christine Brown Telling Meri Brown She Has ‘Baggage’

In a Reddit thread initiated by u/hangonforaminute, Sister Wives fans discussed how Christine confronted Meri about the “baggage [she brings] into a room.” Christine seemed like she “intended to hurt Meri” by implying she wasn’t missed at Maddie’s labor. Meri has felt betrayed by Christine for leaving the family, but this moment shows that Christine was not very respectful to Meri. Christine ambushed Meri with her statements, and there wasn’t anyone present to “safeguard” the conversation and “prevent something stupid or hurtful from being said.” This makes Christine appear catty and rude as if she was trying to shame Meri for not being cheerful all the time.

4 Christine Brown Can React Immaturely

In the early seasons of Sister Wives, Christine was not the most mature sister wife. She had a tendency to ignore others’ opinions in favor of her own, and once “argued” about her faith with “historical actors” on a visit to a historical site. She could be “childish” and “cringy” in the defense of her religion, which is understandable given Christine’s AUB royalty status. Christine couldn’t allow other points of view to stand, whether it be a stranger’s or one of her family member’s. This was not unique to her, as fans noticed “smirking” and other “juvenile” reactions among the wives when one was “humiliated” in front of the others.

3 Christine Brown Was Rude To Her Aunt At A Polygamy Panel

A further example of Christine’s immaturity was her response to her aunt arguing against polygamy. Rather than engage in a meaningful conversation about a complicated topic, she “ran to the bathroom to hide” from her aunt when she wanted to talk. One fan tried to excuse her, citing that the panel may have “struck a nerve” or been “validating her fears” about her lifestyle. Christine has moved on from polygamy, but her past actions bother Sister Wives fans still. It was a bit “bizarre” even if she was “doubting” polygamy, but it didn’t give her a justifiable reason to speak “condescendingly” to her aunt in front of a room of people.

2 Christine Brown Didn’t Pay Enough Attention To Her Children’s Medical Needs

Christine and Kody’s daughter Ysabel Brown was diagnosed with scoliosis, and fans were livid when she was sent to see a “chiropractor” to manage her pain instead of getting more proactive treatment. To many, this appeared to be “medical neglect” as Ysabel’s curve was increasing quickly, but her surgery to fix it was put off. Ysabel had to “suffer for years” because there wasn’t “insurance” to cover the costs of surgery. Kody was against surgery for a long time, and fans were angry his child was hurt because of this decision. Kody is equally to blame, but fans were surprised Christine didn’t get a “real doctor” for Ysabel.

Similarly, Truely Brown’s kidney failure should have been caught earlier, with at least one fan believing “Christine was the one at fault” for not noticing signs of dehydration. Blame should be on Kody as he “should’ve noticed that too” but Truely should have been under closer supervision as a toddler instead of “Aspyn and Mykelti [being] left in charge.” Fans cut Christine come slack, as she had been told Truely had “the flu” and likely wasn’t expecting other symptoms. Truely is the coolest Brown sibling, but this moment in her life gave fans concerns about her parents’ ability to watch her, as one of them should have noticed her dehydration.

1 Christine Brown Didn’t Handle Her Divorce Well With Her Children

During Christine’s divorce from Kody, she turned to her children for emotional support, especially her daughters Aspyn and Ysabel. Christine became “emotionally entangled” with Aspyn Brown to compensate for her missing relationship with Kody, and then “Ysabel became the crutch” when Aspyn moved out. Christine treated her older kids as “her besties” in place of finding more friends. Ysabel admitted to being too close with her mother in Sister Wives season 17 and was looking forward to spending some time apart at college in North Carolina. Ysabel also expressed relief at the divorce, perhaps further showing how much Christine discussed her marriage to Kody with her.

The way Truely learned about her parent’s divorce and her imminent move left fans devastated for her. Christine and Kody not talking to Truely about everything earlier was “selfish” as “the child who was most affected” by their decisions was the last to find out. It appeared that Christine “ran her mouth,” leaving Truely to accidentally find out about the move and that her mother was excited about it. She didn’t get a chance “to say so long” to everyone she knew because she moved in a week. Truely’s reaction to the divorce was sad, but she was still upset as she didn’t have time to “process the news.”

Christine has grown a lot in the past couple of seasons, but some of her previous mistakes continue to bother Sister Wives fans. Her parentification and lack of boundaries with her children are upsetting, as her children are alternately her shoulder to lean on or out of the loop of what’s happening. Christine’s immaturity when dealing with some of her family, like Meri and her immediate family, who have different values and opinions than hers, was also disheartening to see. Though Christine is not as hypocritical as her ex-husband Kody, some of her past behaviors contradict her supposed values.

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