My Big Fat Fabulous Life stars Whitney Thore and Ryan Andreas had a massive falling out. Fans now think he’s targeting her on Instagram.

Since their friendship came to a dramatic end, My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans have had reason to believe that Ryan Andreas resents Whitney Way Thore. Their shared love of fitness brought them together, but people who follow them are speculating that their business partnership tore them apart. Even though Ryan wasn’t featured on the reality show for very long, he did make an impact, and viewers have wondered what he is up to now. Some keep tabs on him via social media.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life’s Whitney Way Thore has had ups and downs with many of her friends over the course of 10 seasons. However, her falling out with Ryan has caused quite a stir among fans. Whitney’s passion for dance, and her fitness company, No BS Active, led her to creatively partner with Ryan, so he could help her to launch her business venture. At first, it looked like the two were a great match, as they created fitness content and workout videos together. However, they hit a snag, and their friendship couldn’t recover.

Fans Think Ryan Andreas Is Trolling MBFFL’s Whitney Way Thore

Since leaving My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Ryan has eschewed drama, choosing to focus on his family and personal training career. Fans have wondered what happened to Ryan after MBFFL season 9, as he left suddenly, without much of an explanation. However, he may not be staying silent after all. SnooPoems2246 started a thread on Reddit, theorizing that Ryan may be calling Whitney out publicly on his Instagram account. The Reddit user posted a screenshot of Ryan’s bio from his Instagram, where he wrote, “I help women who have been told they cannot lose weight because of their thyroid, hormones, or PCOS. Come see what I’m talking about for free.”

Other Reddit users couldn’t help but agree that it was an open shot at Whitney. They believed this because of the health issues she has due to PCOS, and the excuses that she often makes regarding her weight. One fan commented on the thread, “Haha Yes. This is definitely Ryan’s clap back!”

Ryan Andreas Tried To Help Whitney Way Thore Recognize Her Potential

Ryan tried to push Whitney out of her comfort zone on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, to help her see that she was the only one holding herself back. Some fans think that Whitney needs tough love, and Ryan’s approach to health and fitness was the motivation she required. Her negative mindset put limitations on her progress, and what she believed she could do. Whitney is a dancer, and has understood the importance of staying in shape since she was young. Once she started college, she began to rapidly put on weight. After seeing a doctor and looking into the issue, she was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Her sudden weight gain changed her life dramatically. For example, she lived with mental health problems linked with body image issues.

Once Ryan entered the picture on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, he used his personal training and fitness expertise to help Whitney’s fitness company, and to assist her in a more personal way. However, that’s when things started to go downhill. They both had different frames of mind, including contrasting views on maintaining fitness. While Ryan looked at it from a health and exercise standpoint, Whitney never wanted to be physically active for the sole purpose of slimming down. She embraced her weight gain and life as a bigger woman, and felt that she shouldn’t have to change herself to fit society’s standard of beauty.

Whitney Way Thore Hides Behind Her Excuses

While Whitney claims it’s important to love the skin you’re in, My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans think that she uses that credo as an excuse. They consider her philosophy an easy way out, which makes her reluctant to put in the hard work that it takes to become healthier. Whitney is a powerful Instagram influencer that constantly posts about body positivity. This is why fans were led to believe that Ryan’s Instagram bio was a reflection of his thoughts on Whitney’s attitude. Another Reddit user commented on the thread, “PCOS is her excuse for everything wrong with her life rather than her lifestyle.”

Before Ryan and Whitney’s friendship hit rock bottom, they seemed to be good for one another. Ryan appeared to be a positive influence on Whitney, as he wasn’t afraid to be honest with her. He encouraged her to do more than she thought possible in business and life. This kind of assistance seemed valuable. Another fan commented on the thread, “I’m sad things fell apart with Whitney and Ryan. I think he would’ve kept pushing her to be healthy. I also liked their banter (before all the Covid arguments).”

Fans Think MBFFL’s Ryan Andreas Needs To Let It Go

Even though My Big Fat Fabulous Life’s Ryan wasn’t able to help Whitney as he had planned, he has found success by helping others as a personal trainer, and getting clients closer to their goals. Ryan also became a proud father in 2021. He has a little boy, and is focusing on his family and creating his own business, following his failed partnership with Whitney. Some fans find it odd that he is bringing negative attention to his former business partner on social media after all this time.

Whitney never really addressed the details of their broken friendship, but some fans think that no matter what happened, he needs to let it go. A Reddit user commented their thoughts on the thread, “I think it’s weird he’s STILL targeting her. Like dude… let’s move forward already.” After Ryan and Whitney’s falling out, it is unclear if Ryan does harbor resentment towards Whitney, but a lot of fans think that the writing is on the wall.

Despite everything that happened, Whitney is still finding success with her No BS Active fitness company. She frequently posts about it on her Instagram account, and has even created an app to make it more appealing and user-friendly. She has also partnered with her good friend and ex-boyfriend, Lennie Alehat. He has been helping her with content and company logistics. Working so closely has strengthened their friendship, and possibly fueled romantic interest once again. Their business partnership makes My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans think that Whitney and Lennie are dating again. Even though they have both denied being romantically involved, Lennie’s willingness to remain close to Whitney, and help her with her fitness company, continues to spark rumors.

Although Ryan’s time on My Big Fat Fabulous Life came to an end, he may still be trying to capitalize on his 15 minutes of fame. His social media presence is putting him in the spotlight, and making people question his true motives and intentions. When Ryan kept quiet once he found out that his good friend Chase Severino was cheating on Whitney, it cast him in a villainous light, and this may be his attempt at changing the narrative.

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