If you were a fan hoping to see Logan Brown and his wife Michelle’s wedding featured on Sister Wives — don’t hold your breath.

Turns out, Logan’s sister Mykelti Padron and her husband Tony spent time spilling major family tea during a live stream on social media.

Video clips from the stream have been making rounds all over various social media platforms. Logan Brown and his wife Michelle did come up as a topic of conversation. What did Mykelti have to say exactly about her brother Logan? Keep reading for the details.

Logan Brown and wife Michelle are done with TLC

Opening up briefly about her brother Logan, Mylekti Padron tells fans they shouldn’t get their hopes up about seeing Logan on the show anymore. Turns out, he’s cut all ties with the network.

And, he and his wife will NEVER make an appearance on the TLC series again. This news comes as a bit of a bummer to fans because Logan and Michelle did just get married recently.

Many fans were hopeful they would get a closer look at the wedding via Sister Wives.

The news, however, doesn’t come as a total sʜᴏᴄᴋ. Logan Brown just isn’t very active on social media. And, Michelle’s Instagram is private.

Typically, the only time fans get updated photos of the couple is when another family member with a public social media account posts them.

Kody Brown and Logan Brown from TLC and Instagram

Logan Brown – TLC

Even when photos of Logan and Michelle’s wedding popped up on social media, the actual bride and groom were not in tons of the photos.

A large chunk of the photos were simply other members of the family attending the wedding.

For fans, Kody Brown’s children putting distance between them and the network is wildly disappointing as a lot of fans aren’t interested in Kody and his theatrics anymore.

What a lot of fans want is to see what his children are doing now that they are grown and living their best lives away from their toxic father.

Logan Brown from Instagram

Are you bummed that Logan Brown and his wife Michelle have cut ties with the network and have no desire to be on Sister Wives?

Do you think Kody Brown is going to have a harder time continuing to do the show with so many of his children cutting ties and spilling family tea all over social media?

Share your thoughts in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more on Sister Wives.

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