Reality TV fans have been slamming Sister Wives star, Kody Brown, for years, but the online vitriol has exploded in the months since his third wife, Christine, announced that she was leaving the plural family. Kody’s actions and reactions featured on the show invited a flood of fan backlash which only intensified as the season unfolded.

Kody Brown

The currently airing season of the TLC series has documented the couple’s shocking breakup—and fans have come down solidly on the side of Christine, and more recently, Janelle and Meri, who later announced that they had also walked away from Kody.

Fans have ripped into Kody week after week—for various reasons—leaving the TLC father of 18 with the title of the most hated reality TV personality of 2022.

Kody’s distance from several of his kids was a running theme this season. One disturbing scene featured Gabe, 21, whom Kody shares with Janelle, weeping over his estranged father forgetting his birthday. Fans had plenty to say about the issue, especially as the show highlighted Kody’s close relationships with the children he shares with Robyn.

Gabe Brown

One fan tweeted—“What Kody has done to Gabe and his other adult children has the true lasting impact. Especially when we get tears over his adult STEP daughter. This was not Ari or Sol. Not only was it creepy, but imagine seeing that as Gabe or Ysabel.”

Another wrote—“The fact that Kody says Aurora would sit 10 feet away in the house and they’d all cry about how much they missed each other yet Kody never seems to care he has multiple children he hasn’t seen at all in months.”

A third pointed out—“Kody your kids tried to involve you. Gabriel tried to have a relationship with you. Isabel wanted you to go to both her surgery and to move her. You don’t involve yourself in their lives. The responsibility of your relationships with your children don’t fall on them.”

Kody Brown

A viewer tweeted—“The audacity to deny your kids entry into your home until they apologize when Kody has NEVER apologized to Meri, Janelle, or Christine. And then claims to have changed his mind (w/o telling Janelle). Gaslighting mf’er.”

Kody’s interactions and comments involving Christine and Janelle also sparked lots of fan feedback.

One viewer wrote on Twitter—“Kody saying he was never attracted to Christine is so F×××ING annoying. How dare you steal her life, her time, her hopes AND her dreams. Christine you should have told him to F××K OFF n bounced his ass out your house. HOW DISGUSTING KODY.”

Kody Brown

Another person said—“Kody implying that Janelle and Christine were like desperate dogs in heat because he was SUCH a catch is just beyond. Right when I think this man can’t be anymore of a gross ass clown, he rallies to prove me wrong.”

A third added—“Kody screeches about how the wives needed good relationships with each other, then gets pissed that Janelle and Christine are best friends.”

Robyn Brown

Christine and Janelle both cited Kody’s lopsided relationship with his fourth and legal wife, Robyn, as a major factor in the breakdown of their marriages. Fans chimed in their own thoughts as the messy dynamic took center stage.

A fan tweeted—“Ugh, it’s so hard to watch Robyn and Kody take advantage and manipulate everyone else in the family. They knew what they were doing the entire time.”

Another person said—“Robyn came into the Brown family with three grown children and a mountain of debt. Now she’s the legal wife, in a huge house paid for by the efforts of her former Sister Wives in a monogamous relationship with Kody. Her plan to divide and conquer really worked out.”

Sister Wives

A viewer noted—“Robyn lies as easily as she breathes. She is toxic AF. She and Kody are perfect for each other.”

One fan wrote—“Kody doesn’t want a marriage. He wants women who with conform to his every word and wipe his ass and that’s why Robyn is his favorite. He can not handle a strong woman.”

Another added—“I knew from the moment Robyn became his legal wife… the other marriages wouldn’t last.”

Part 2 of the Sister Wives: One-on-One special airs on January 1, at 10 pm ET on TLC.

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