Well, 2022 is on the verge of ending now. Hence, when it comes to holidays, that too, especially Christmas, we all want to be with our loved ones. Perhaps Janelle also wanted the same. The TLC star’s decision to leave Kody Brown came after several speculations and rumors. Apparently, the Sister Wives fans had been waiting for Janelle to make her decision to part ways with the celebrity polygamist. Hence the infamous revelation came out in the recent Tell All of the show. Therefore, it was evident that the mother of six would choose her kids above her ex-husband to celebrate the year’s end. We have all the information you might wish to know, so keep on reading.

Sister Wives: Janelle Spends Holidays With Her Daughters

The Sister Wives fans know that Janelle Brown entered the infamous family in 1993 and was the second wife to join the polygamous arrangement. Apparently, she always has been the most neutral and calm one. But it is evident that 29 years of continuous toxicity was enough for her to take the decision to part ways with the patriarch. However, it seems that since Janelle buried the dead corpse of her marriage, she has been living a happier and more fruitful life.

Recently, Janelle took to Instagram and shared an update about her year’s end. Apparently, the Sister Wives star reshared her daughter Maddie’s story in which Savannah was trying to put together a puzzle. The 25-year-old star kid captioned the picture saying that Christmas puzzles are a thing with Janelle Brown and Savannah. Not only this, but recently, the matriarch also posted a photo from her Christmas celebrations. It was a wholesome snap in which Janelle stood with her daughters, Savannah and Madison’s family. The family posed in front of a Christmas tree and grinned at the camera.
It was evident from Janelle’s face that she was really happy and was living her best life. Not only fans but the matriarch’s best friend, Christine, also noticed the same. So, she praised the picture for its cuteness in the comment section. In addition to that, a user commented, saying that maybe it’s the best Christmas the TLC star ever had. Another one chimed in and added that everyone looked happy and healthy in the picture. At the same time, the third one expressed saying that nothing feels better than spending Christmas with your kids and grandkids.

Sister Wives: Janelle Chose Her Kids Over Kody Brown

Previously, a lot of fans felt like the Sister Wives star Janelle Brown never fought for herself. Apparently, whenever she stood up, it was always for her children. Fans remember that the matriarch had clashes with her ex during the Covid-19 pandemic as well just because of her kids. Not only this, but in the finale episode as well, she revealed that she feels that her children are not welcome in the family anymore. In addition to that, the TLC star further thinks that she is forced to choose between her kids and the polygamist group. Hence, the celeb decided that its enough and she didn’t need to be further beaten into submission.

So, above all, Janelle Brown chose her kids. The world feels that it was the best decision for her. Apparently, her children were the ones who were always there for her in her thicks and thins. Perhaps the mother of six knew that choosing her kids would be a decision she would never regret. Hence whether it’s Thanksgiving or Christmas, the matriarch is hanging around her offspring now. Recently, Janelle shared a snap from the day she celebrated Thanksgiving at Logan’s. Hence it was clear that the celeb’s glow is different when she is with her children. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest Sister Wives tea.

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