It’s possible the star and self-proclaimed patriarch of Sister Wives, Kody Brown, may have forced himself to believe in the polygamous lifestyle.

Fans of Sister Wives are stunned by a new revelation insinuating Kody Brown forced himself to believe in polygamy for many years. The father of 18 has started to seem less sure of himself and is now dealing with a divorce. Ever since Christine left their marriage in 2021, Kody hasn’t been the same, and some believe he has been rethinking his personal life choices.

It started when Gwen Brown dropped a bomb about Kody on her social media, claiming her father was “forcing himself to believe in something that he wasn’t really for.” While some fans were skeptical of the news, Christine’s aunt, Kristyn Decker, revealed to In Touch that this is precisely what she thinks Kody did. Kristyn said she agrees with Gwen that Kody might have felt forced to take part in the lifestyle and is just now realizing it might not be what he truly wanted.

Why Kody Brown Might Have Felt Forced Into Polygamy

According to Kristyn, many men in polygamy often feel that they have to take part in marrying more than one wife. Noting that she watched several of her brothers make the same decisions saying it was “heartbreaking” to them when they weren’t successful in their marriages, Christine’s aunt noted that it is obvious to her that Kody is currently “feeling like a “failure.” Kristyn also shared that many women decide to leave the lifestyle around the same age as Christine did, noting that between their late 40s and early 50s seems like a key time to escape polygamy.

Christine made sure to leave Kody after it became apparent that she, Janelle, and their children were not being given the same respect as Robyn’s children. Christine told TLC cameras that the last straw was watching how Kody handled the COVID-19 pandemic. Even Janelle has been rumored to have left Kody after his relationship with their children became too toxic. A source close to the family shared that Janelle left Kody over a year ago after she saw how well Christine was doing on her own in Utah. While she has yet to confirm the move, fans feel she has left numerous breadcrumbs.

Sister Wives fans are watching Kody unravel before their eyes as he is not taking the divorce well. Kody’s way of grieving has seeped out in anger and bitterness, leading him to have meltdowns. For years, fans have felt that Kody has only wanted to stick close to Robyn and possibly live a monogamous lifestyle. The move would add up, especially if he no longer really believes in plural marriage.

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