Whitney’s relationship status has My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans raising their eyebrows. Is her French romance only a script curated for reality TV?

Whitney Way Thore’s love life has been nothing short of a dramatic rollercoaster on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, which is why some fans think her french romance was a storyline. Just when she thinks she may have found the one, the relationship tends to fall apart in a major way. Most recently, her long-distance relationship with her elusive French boyfriend looked like it was leading to a serious commitment.

Now that it seems like Whitney’s French romance is fizzling out, fans speculate that it may have never been real in the first place. The MBFFL star’s dating history has been questionable, and now fans on Reddit have an interesting theory. Reddit user, Sischer, started a thread writing, “I need answers….what happened to the Frenchman?! It’s like she wouldn’t shut up about him then went off for over a month to see him, and now we barely hear about this if at all.” There is no doubt that when Whitney finds love, she falls hard, and even though she has kept a lot of details about their relationship private, she did gush about her Parisian beau frequently. The fact that Whitney was so in love with her tutor-turned-boyfriend has fans thinking that maybe he never even existed.

Whitney Thore Has Been Desperate To Find Love

Whitney has been open about the difficulty she faces on the dating scene concerning her weight and the way that men perceive her. However, this hasn’t stopped her from putting her heart on the line time and time again, only for things to end disastrously. After a broken engagement with her former boyfriend, Chase Severino, that left her emotionally shattered, she decided it wasn’t going to keep her down and out for long. Before Whitney knew it, she was excited to announce her blossoming romance with her new French boyfriend on MBFFL. Even though her boyfriend wanted to stay out of the spotlight, she couldn’t help sharing her happiness and excitement, and now Whitney, who shouldn’t join OnlyFans, barely mentions him at all. A Reddit user commented on the thread, “At this point, I think they just throw random story lines out there to see what will stick.”

On a recent episode of MBFFL, Whitney revealed that she and the Frenchman have decided to be in an open relationship. She justified their decision by explaining that since they live so far apart, it is difficult to make time to see one another. She clarified that they aren’t broken up but are being realistic and giving each other space by enforcing a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Fans felt this revelation seemed like a perfect excuse for Whitney, who called Buddy Bell fat, to quietly ditch her French beau and their suspicious relationship. A third Reddit user commented, “Whitney doesn’t seem like the type to acquiesce to an open relationship in any way, shape or form. She’s so possessive that I truly doubt she’d be okay with that.”

Whether Whitney’s long-distance romance is real or strategically planned for reality TV, fans hope that she will slow down and take time to focus on her happiness apart from trying to find a man. Recently her friendship with ex-boyfriend Lennie Alehat has been taking center stage, and possible sparks might be flying again. For now, My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans will just have to wait and see where Whitney’s love life will take her next.

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