Kody Brown has not posted on Instagram in over a year. His last post was regarding his third wife, Christine exiting the family on November 2nd. However, the father of eighteen had turned off all comments so no one could share their thoughts and feelings. Yet, there was one post prior, from September 2021 that did allow commenting.

It was of his backyard, the caption being: “Our back yard. There was snow, lightning, a rainbow and a sunset of dreams. Love this place.” Of course, Sister Wives fans could care less what it said as they had a lot to say to him and it was not kind in the slightest.

Kody Brown Gets Lambasted On Social Media

Though the scenery and photograph on Kody’s Instagram were beautiful, the comments were atrocious. Fans needed a place to tell Kody how they felt about his behavior on the show, especially as of late. So, they went right to the newest one that allowed comments. Despite the posting being over a year old, the most recent comment was from earlier today. “the most selfish man alive!” it simply read. They proceeded to just get worse.

Another wrote: “You were more worried about Queen Sobbyn having Covid than you were when Ysabel had spine surgery!! WOW DAD OF THE YEAR!!!” This was followed by: “You are a joke. Respect isn’t demanded it’s earned and have done nothing to earn it. I hope Janelle leaves you. She deserves better than a whiney little man child who takes advantage of his wives and throws temper tantrums like a toddler.” There were several comments about how respect is earned but how he continues to demand it but never reciprocates.

Someone called him a “terrible person” while another asked why Truely stayed with Janelle on her Flagstaff visit and not with him. In the latest episode, Christine and her youngest daughter returned from Utah to gather the rest of their stuff. Though Kody has said that he would set up a room for Truely at his and Robyn’s lavish home, it seems that has not happened. The tween was seen having a sleepover at Janelle’s while roasting marshmallows with Janelle’s youngest, Savanah.

Financially Messed Up

Fans of the show also went in on Kody Brown for the way he plays with finances. “Give Janelle her money back. I can’t understand what happened to you. You seemed nicer in the beginning. Now – not so much. Are you okay?” one asked. Another added that Robyn has done nothing for the family. However, the other wives have been expected to help pay for her lifestyle. They do not understand that in the slightest.

He was also called a bevy of names with followers hoping his other wives wise up and leave him as Christine did. Whether he will actually pay attention to what his followers have to say is yet to be seen. Though he appears to have a big ego, is it enough for him to change his ways? Again, yet to be seen.

Do you think the followers’ comments will have any impact on Kody? Or will he continue to ignore them the way he avoids posting? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

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