Christine Brown has been glowing since she left her husband of over twenty-five years back in 2021. After getting married to Kody Brown in 1994, their marriage just could not survive. Christine came in as the third wife and helped save the plural family. However, she ended up seeing that it was she who needed saving and ended up telling Kody she was done. Once she did that, a weight was lifted, and then she was free to leave Flagstaff and move to Utah where she had wanted to be. Now, in a new picture she shared, Christine is smiling brighter than ever before but why? Read on for details.

Christine Brown Smiles Brighter Than Ever Before, Why?

In a recent Instagram post, Christine is beaming. She has never smiled this big before, or so it seems. What has brought the mother of six and successful businesswoman such a glow? It is the two new gentlemen in her life, Ace and Archer. On November 17th, her daughter, Mykelti Padron welcomed twin boys. It was quite dramatic as she had to have an emergency C-section. The boys were breached therefore her original plan had to take a backseat out of safety.

Christine had posed with the twins right after they were born as she was there for the delivery. She joined Mykelti’s husband Tony, her former sister wife, Robyn, and Tony’s mother for the birth. Now, she is spending more Oma time with Ace and Archer and she is clearly in her element. After shouting out Mykelti for being a “warrior goddess,” Christine went on to say how “blessed” she was.

<picture decoding=”async” class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-348759″> <source type=”image/webp” srcset=” 900w,×267.jpg.webp 300w,×683.jpg.webp 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px”/> <img decoding=”async” src=”” alt=”christine brown/ig” width=”900″ height=”800″ srcset=” 900w,×267.jpg 300w,×683.jpg 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px”/> </picture>  She held the babies in her arms and the smile was one that fans have not seen from Kody’s ex-wife. The happiness emanated from the Oma of three but it was natural and pure. “You look so very HAPPY this looks so good on you. Congratulations Oma,” one follower noted. Another added: “You look so beautiful and happy 😍.”

Kody Remains Quiet

Though Robyn was in attendance at the birth, Mykelti’s father has stayed silent about the birth of the twins. This is in spite of the fact that Mykelti and Tony had a sit down with Kody and Robyn prior to Christine Brown moving. When they came to help her pack up, Mykelti said that nothing would change between her and her father. She even noted that Robyn would always be “mom” to her. Then again, his last social media posting was in November 2021 when he announced Christine was leaving the family.

Since then, fans have taken to his post prior just to rip him apart. They think that his overall behavior for Season 17 and in the latest episodes is absolutely atrocious. Therefore, it is highly unlikely he will say anything until Mykelti posts photos of her father with his grandchildren as she has done before.

What do you think of Christine’s smile? Have you ever seen it so big before? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

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