My Big Fat Fabulous Life
centers on Whitney Way Thore and has been on for 10 seasons now. The TLC show premiered on January 13, 2015, and now fans think that the show has been on for far too long. Fans fell in love with the show as it showcased the struggles of a 380 pounds woman trying to lead a healthy life. Despite her weight, Whitney tried her best to do everything a normal-sized individual can do with ease. However, of late, the show has become more monotonous and viewers feel TLC should cancel it once and for all!

What Is TLC’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life Season 10 About?

Season 10 so far has been all about the events that happened after Whitney’s mom Babs suffered a stroke. Although Babs seems to be better than before, she still requires the help of a full-time nurse to take care of her. So, she is currently at the Abbotswood care facility. The reality star is also struggling with her love for motherhood. Given her health condition, getting pregnant would be difficult for her.

So, she decided to opt for surrogacy instead and chose her friend to help her out. However, bad news struck her after her friend had to back out as her body wasn’t fit enough for surrogacy. With so much going on in her life, why do fans think that My Big Fat Fabulous Life should come to an end?

Reddit Users Feel Whitney Way Thore Does ‘Nothing’

On Reddit, a fan wrote, “At this point, I feel the show is dead. She’s not even giving us good material to snark at. She’s boring. The season is boring. There’s nothing. Nada. She’s (They’ve) run out of storylines and material. Jumped shark. It’s over. Even Lenny can’t breathe life back into it!!! I only care if Babs is ok. That’s it. She’s miserable and everyone is moving on but her… time to let the final shoe drop.”

Talking about her ex-boyfriend Lennie Alehat another user chimed in, “Lenny is just her new emotional support animal now that Buddy’s distanced himself from her and it’s so obvious.”

A third user wrote, “I feel like it’s really because she does NOTHING AT ALL. In the past she used to try to do things and fail epically because she’s in complete denial about her physical and mental capabilities. I miss that.”

“The fact her insta shows that Babs is still basically non-verbal means there won’t be any progression of her health in this season. It’s basically watching car washes and Heather on dates,” chimed in the fourth user.

Did TLC Star Whitney Way Thore Get Weight Loss Surgery?

Last year, Whitney did consider the possibility of weight loss surgery which sparked the viewer’s interest. However, it seems like she didn’t go through with it.

Do you think My Big Fat Fabulous Life is getting boring by the day? And, do you think TLC should cancel it now? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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