Whitney Way Thore has a long history with Lennie Alehat. When My Big Fat Fabulous Life first began, the two were madly in love. Sadly, he had been unfaithful and it broke them up. She went through a few other men but now Lennie is back. Though she claims that they are just friends, this does not necessarily seem to be the case. A new clip from TLC shows Whitney’s brother catching the two in bed together. So, did anything happen? Read on for more details.

Whitney Way Thore Spends The Night With Lennie

In a clip from TLC, Whitney and Lennie are caught in bed together. The sheets are all ruffled which would imply something went on. It is her brother, Hunter who catches them with Lennie being the first to jump out of the bed. Granted, Hunter lightly knocks before he walks in. Whitney’s hair is a wreck as she tells Lennie “I told you to lock it.” According to Whitney, she fell asleep first and when she got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, he was still there.

She wants to make it very clear that nothing has happened but Hunter does not seem to believe her. They go on to say that the bed was just really comfortable so that is why they stayed together. Lennie leaves and tells the camera that they were fully clothed the whole time. He then notes that is a rarity as she is usually naked. Hunter comments that he predicted something would happen between the two but not the first morning.

Fans are over the storyline and frankly, over Whitney. “I can’t stand her,” one commented. Another added: “Please let this be the last season!!!” That was followed with: “Whitney sure is acting like a narcissist more than ever this season..commanding too much from everyone including her family!?”

A Tough Season

Whitney Way Thore has not had an easy Season 10. She thought she had found love with her French tutor. However, many fans did not believe he even existed. Then there is her mother’s health. This is probably the most traumatic thing to deal with as she is so beloved. Babs sadly suffered a stroke and it shook the whole family to the core. Fortunately, Whitney and her friends are now on vacation but it seems that it is not all drama-free. Especially with Hunter looking on and barging into her room.

Do you think Whitney Way Thore and Lennie Alehat did hook up? Let us know your thoughts and watch MBFFL Tuesdays on TLC.

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