just returned on Monday yet viewers already know who they like and who they are over. Kathy and Cristina returned for their fourth season and fans are ecstatic. They are the one duo that has the least amount of oddities. So, are the odds still in their favor? Find out what fans had to say after the Season 4 premiere.

Cristina And Kathy Make sMothered Less Strange

The mother/daughter duos on sMothered often have their quirks. For example, Lauren and her mother Lisa worked in cahoots to help Lauren get pregnant. This would have been fine if Lauren’s wife, Laura Leigh had not been left in the dark while they plotted. It just seemed a tad strange that Lisa was the one who impregnated her daughter while her wife was none the wiser. Then there is Cher and Dawn. Dawn cannot let go of her daughter to the point she joined her in lactation classes.

Newcomers Francia and Paula have turned off fans so much this season. They spend their nights out partying and the rest of their days naked together. The two even go to the bathroom as a team. This behavior has reached a new level of ick for viewers. Luckily, they still have Cristina and Kathy who have long been fan favorites. This season, Cristina has moved closer so Kathy is thrilled. Cristina’s husband’s business is even doing amazing. However, with the business boom and a possible expansion, Cristina could become super busy. Mama won’t like that at all. So, why are they so popular?

Fans Love To Love Them

According to Meaww, after the premiere, sMothered fans took to Twitter to tweet about how much they adore Cristina and Kathy. What they like the most is that they are close but not on top of each other. They admit that they adore one another but keep it at a good level.

  • “Cristina and Kathy are the best – they are really the most normal of all these families on here. Kathy might make Carlo crazy (like mother in laws can), but I think she really has a good heart!”
  •  “Ah my favorite duo. Cristina and Kathy are the only reason I watch this show”
  • “Kathy and Christina are the only mother/daughter duo on #sMothered that I can stand, they’re f***ing hilarious.”“#Smothered So glad to see Kathy and Christina back know that’s entertainment.”

To be known as the “most normal” out of all of the duos is a huge honor. However, only one episode has aired so anything can happen. What are your thoughts on Cristina and Kathy? Do you think they are by far the best in the cast? Let us know and watch sMothered Mondays on TLC.

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