Sunhe has made it no secret that she thinks Jason is not the best on sMothered. She firmly believes that her daughter, Angelica can do much better than her baby daddy. However, it is now coming to a head between Sunhe and Jason but the latter is over the way he is being treated. He is finally standing up to what could be his mother-in-law. How will it play out? Read on to find out more.

Sunhe May Have Sabotaged Jason’s Wedding On sMothered

Yes, Jason has been married before but now he has been with Angelica for a long time. She feels that after five years, this is a true commitment. However, when he proposed, she was not sure how it was all going to play out. Angelica had trepidations as he really had not been forthcoming with his mother about how serious it was between them. Furthermore, once his mom did find out the depth of it all, she did not see the need for a wedding. Though they were having a baby, Amara, that did not necessarily mean they had to get married.

As for Angelica’s mother, Sunhe, she has never felt Jason was good enough for her daughter. She believes that she could be sitting somewhere and fish a man out better than him. Angelica confessed that their mother’s disproval was actually the reason she called off the wedding. Though the two are still together, they are not ready for marriage. Just because they have a child, she is seeing that this may not be the best combination. Plus, her mother is desperate to tear them apart.

How Much More Can Jason Take?

The problem with Jason is that he is not the best caretaker when it comes to being alone with his daughter. Sunhe pointed this out by commenting that he was simply just a babysitter. While she and Angelica were out, they returned home and asked if he had fed Amara. He claimed he gave her nibbles and felt the ladies would handle the actual meal. Angelica added that he does not even care to change her diapers. According to Meaww, it is all about to explode in the latest episode of sMothered.

Sunhe has this to say about Jason: “I call him the motherf***er because that’s how I feel about him. I call him because it all explodes since I’ve held it all in for so long.” Unfortunately, this is wearing on Jason: “Sunhe just belittles me. I deserve a little more respect than that.” He admits it is hard to spend more time with Amara as Sunhe is always around. More so, he is not sure how much longer he can live like this.

Do you think either one of them is acting appropriately? Let us know and watch sMothered Mondays on TLC.

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