Did Little People Big World Stars Matt Roloff And Caryn Chandler Split?

Did Little People Big World Stars Matt Roloff And Caryn Chandler Split?Little People Big World star Matt Roloff last posted himself with Caryn Chandler in June. However, Caryn last shared a photo of them together back in 2021. Season 23 of the show brought Matt’s girlfriend a lot of critics, so is she hiding away from haters? Perhaps they secretly married and they hide potential spoilers? Or did they finally draft apart after she interfered in Zach’s relationship with his dad?

Little People Big World – Have Matt Roloff And Caryn Chandler Parted?
If the couple split, but Matt posted in June, it could be just because it helped to promo Season 23 of the TLC show. By July, with nothing new, Team Amy started speculating that they bust up. Of course, they would like nothing better than to see Amy Roloff see her competitor head off into history.

Little People Big World fans saw that Matt said that he, Amy, Chris Marek, and Caryn all get along fine despite what TLC fans see in the show. However, they also know that he’s a bit of a manipulator. And, after years of television experience, he knows how to play the audience. Still, a lingering feeling that all is not well might suggest that they actually split.

Did Little People Big World Stars Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler Split

Little People Big World – Theories Of Marriage And A Breakup
Also in July, Our Teen Trends speculated that their disappearance from social media might hint that they tied the knot. Although no hint of a wedding came in Season 23 of the TLC show, Chris hinted at it in Season 22. Recall, he joked about how he could help out with Matt’s wedding. The worrying thing is that Caryn used to post almost all the time. Have they been on their honeymoon?

Did Little People Big World Stars Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler Split

Little People Big World star Matt Roloff usually starts posting about the Pumpkin Season this time of the year. And, he did. However, this time he never mentioned Caryn Chandler. Instead, he focused on the fact that Jacob prepares for the agritainment event. Will Caryn even be there this year? For now, the jury is still out.

Splitting – The Possibility Seems Mildy High
Little People Big World patriarch, Matt Roloff revealed that his dad passed away nearly one month ago. In his caption, he didn’t mention that Caryn went with him to see his mom. Additionally, he didn’t give her a shout-out when he returned home. And, That. Is. Unusual!

What are your thoughts? Do you think that maybe Matt Roloff finally married Caryn and keeps it under wraps? Or have they split? Sound off your thoughts in the comments below.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the TLC stars right now. Come back here often for more Little People, Big World spoilers, news, and updates.

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