Jackson Roloff
finds out he needs surgery for his severe bowing legs on Little People, Big World. He has two options to fix the issue. But he must get it immediately.

Little People, Big World: Jackson Roloff Sees a Specialist for Bowing Legs

Tori Roloff takes her son, Jackson Roloff, to see an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in little people’s growth. However, only one person can go to the appointment due to the virus.

So, the Little People, Big World cast member is the one to be by her little boy’s side as he gets examined.

According to Tori, they noticed from the day Jackson started to walk that he has “pretty significant bowing of his legs.” She explains that it’s a characteristic of achondroplasia. However, she feels that her son is “a little more severe than most.”

Zach Roloff explains that he and Tori Roloff decided that she would be the best opinion to go into the appointment. She feels that she is better at relaying information. So, the Little People, Big World has kept him in the loop of Jackson’s appointments.

Jackson Needs Surgery for Severe Issue

Tori Roloff feels that they got good news from the doctor. However, Zach Roloff doesn’t feel the same way. He saw it as bad news since they were told that Jackson Roloff needs surgery immediately. Yet, she says that it’s the “lesser of the two surgeries” her son will be getting.

According to Tori, they were given two options. The more invasive one is cutting the bone and realigning the tibia and the fibula. That requires more recovery time and can be more traumatic.

However, the surgery Jackson’s doctor recommends is the other option. They will be putting a plate at the top of the fibula on both legs. The Little People, Big World star says it doesn’t prevent growth. But, it slows it down. It will allow the tibia to catch up. It is also a less invasive option.

The doctor also said that Jackson’s legs are severe. So, Zach wishes that he could’ve noticed something sooner to “potentially give him a better quality of life.”

His son’s height is already going to make life challenging. He wouldn’t want to make any more decisions that would “add on to that.”

Little People, Big World Celeb Surgery Is Urgent

Zach Roloff asks Tori Roloff when the doctor suggests they should do Jackson Roloff’s surgery. She tells him that they shouldn’t “wait past six months.” So, they don’t want to waste any more time and plan to book before the holidays come around.

The Little People, Big World couple schedule Jackson Roloff’s surgery for the end of the following month. Zach and Tori are glad it’s not major surgery and that he will be able to walk the next day. But, will the procedure be a success — or will he have to undergo more procedures in the future?

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