Unexpected fans are done with Jason Korpi and his behavior. Since taking to Reddit has not seemed to work, they are trying a new approach. This time, the hope is that TLC will finally listen and take action.

Jason Korpi Is Not What Unexpected Fans Expected

When Season 5 premiered, there were a few newbies joining the series. One of the couples announced was Kylen Smith and Jason Korpi. He already had a rep for being aggressive. Apparently, when he was on TikTok, holes were seen punched in the wall. So, he was not painted in the best light. Then the show premiered and viewers were appalled at what they saw. He had this way of controlling Kylen’s every move, keeping her away from her family, and dictating what she should do. Not out of her best interest but more so, what was best for Jason. When she decided a hospital birth was the best choice, he was against that.

He felt he would not have access to her in the hospital and felt a home birth was better. When the midwives said she needed to get to the hospital immediately, he refused to take her. Plus, he said an epidural was not necessary. No one likes him and his demanding ways. On top of all of this, he has now been arrested and is facing eleven charges. With all of the grievances against Jason, fans of the series are realizing they cannot just vent on Reddit. Not only are they scared for Kylen and her son, but they are also just tired of his antics. Therefore, they are taking it higher.

The Petition To Remove Jason

A fan has gone on change.org and started a petition to officially remove Jason from the series. This is what the petition states: “Why is TLC okay with showing this abusive relationship? It’s hard for me to watch knowing that he is getting paid for this. I know I could just stop watching the show but that’s not going to make the problem go away he still going to be on TLC’S payroll. Not only that I’m pretty sure taking the condom off without her knowledge is illegal in some states. Please sign this petition and maybe we can get tlc too remove him from the show.”

The founder is asking for one thousand signatures on a petition that started three weeks ago. So far, 854 people have signed. Signers have called him an abuser and a “controlling manipulative narcissist.” TLC has not responded to anything on Jason thus far. The most the network has done in these situations is keep cast members from appearing on tell-alls. That could very well happen with Jason and Kylen but time will tell.

Do you think this petition will change anything? Let us know in the comments and watch Unexpected Sundays on TLC.



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