Kylen Smith
from Unexpected has a hard time giving birth to her baby boy. And fans seem to think Jason Korpi is to blame for the delivery complications.

Unexpected: Kylen Smith Gets Epidural – Jason Korpi Leaves Hospital Upset

Kylen Smith decides to go against Jason Korpi’s wishes and gets the epidural. However, that causes an argument between the Unexpected couple. The fighting leads to him being kicked out and her being left alone.

After Jason leaves the hospital, he goes back home to take a shower and change his clothes. He then heads back to try and get in. However, on his way there, he continues to fight with Kylen. He believes that she’s the reason why he can’t be in the room. But, she disagrees with him.

Jason is angry that they won’t let him be there for the birth of his son. The Unexpected cast member feels it’s not fair. He also doesn’t trust anyone in the hospital. So, he yells at Kylen to let him back in.

Kylen Smith tells the nurses that she wants Jason Korpi to come back into the room. She even apologizes for his behavior. The security allows him back in. But, if he misbehaves, they will ask him to leave.

Kylen & Jason Welcome Baby Boy after Complications

After two days in labor, Kylen Smith finally gives birth to her and Jason Korpi’s baby boy, Xavier Tanner Mike Korpi. However, delivery wasn’t easy for her. The baby’s head was stuck and not positioned correctly. So, there were complications.

According to Jason, Kylen also couldn’t push, making the delivery difficult. The Unexpected castmate says that they all had to help her push. It took her 10 minutes to push the baby’s head through.

The baby then popped out shortly after. He says the baby’s head looks like a football due to complications. However, the baby’s head went back to normal a few days later.

Kylen feels that holding her son for the first time was a “precious moment.” It was an “indescribable feeling” for her. As for Jason, it was the best feeling he’d ever had. However, he still wasn’t happy that she got the epidural. But, they left that conversation behind at the hospital.

Fans Blame Unexpected Celeb for Tough Delivery

Kylen Smith went through hours of labor without any sleep. The midwives at the birthing center even told her to leave and go to the hospital. They were afraid she might be too tired to push. Knowing that pushing was hard for her, it seems like the midwives could’ve been right.

Many Unexpected fans agree with the midwives. One person believes that Jason Korpi “is the reason why there were complications.”

They feel that he put a lot of stress on her. Another person says he’s the one who didn’t let her get rest and kept her awake with his complaining and arguing.

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