1000-lb Sisters star Chris Combs is helping his younger sister Amy Slaton out by giving her a table. But, the new one he buys for himself really impresses fans.

1000-Lb Sisters: Chris Combs - Amy Slaton

1000-lb Sisters: Chris Combs Celebrates Amy Slaton
1000-lb Sisters sibling Chris Combs is close with his little sisters Tammy and Amy Slaton. Amy is his inspiration for losing weight because she has lost over 100 pounds. This also encourages him to help his sister Tammy. So, they can lose weight together.

One of the things he and Amy wanted to do was show Tammy how nice life can be after weight loss. So, they took the whole family on a 350 mile road trip. From Dixon, Kentucky, to Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Gatlinburg is a tourist town the Smokey Mountains with lots of family attractions.

On this trip, Amy reveals to her siblings except for Tammy that she and Michael Halterman put an offer in on a house, and it was approved.

Everyone is happy for her. This just means she will no longer be right next door to Tammy, and this is cause for concern. If no one is nearby her, then she might not do well when it comes to her weight loss.

The Big Brother Really Helps Out
Chris Combs is helping Amy Slaton move into her new home. He helps move just months after his weight loss surgery. Now, He can finally about to do things he hasn’t been able to do for a while.

Chris is down to 348 pounds and says he hasn’t been under 350 pounds in over 20 years.

Now that he’s lost so much weight, he’s able to give back. Chris gives Amy a table he’s had for a long time. The table is from their childhood and he thinks it’s fitting to be used as Amy’s first table for her new house.

Amy describes it as ‘passing the baton.’

1000-lb Sisters, Chris Combs gets on the floor, screws in the parts of the table and gets back up. He says that before his surgery, he’s not sure if he would have been able to get back up as easily.

This added to the list of new things he can do including riding a roller coaster. He and his wife, Brittany Combs, thought “it was time to get something a little more what my wife would like in the kitchen.”

Amy Slaton Takes Takes the Old Table – So Chris Gets a New One
Chris Combs from 1000-lb Sisters is redecorating his home after gifting his old table to Amy. He bought a new table for his wife..

The couple picked out a more modern farmhouse table for their kitchen. It has a bench combo that is white with polished wood on top. They accessorize it with blue placemats, a paper towel holder, and a condiment holder.

1000-lb Sisters

Brittany says, “My husband is the best. Look who got a new table.” It definitely matches the white cabinets with the dark brown countertop better than the light brown table given to Amy.

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