1000-lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton is going down the proverbial rabbit hole. And her family thinks she might hit rock bottom. Will her dreams pull her up?

1000-lb Sisters’ Tammy Slaton and Amy Slaton have always been close. However, Tammy’s not interested in getting help with her weight loss. And that’s wedged some distrust and anger between them.

But that doesn’t mean these sisters don’t have a bond that is special. The girls have explored in the past some of their interest in the paranormal. In fact, they went to see a psychic named Shay when Amy was uncertain about how her pregnancy with Gage Halterman would go.

Not just that, but they have a shared ghost. When the sisters were living at the duplex, they explain there was a cat that would travel between houses. But this was no ordinary cat.

This was a ghost cat, and they were certain because of the sounds it would make. There is one episode in Season 2 where they try and capture that cat on video. Amy explains that they have always been sensitive to that sort of stuff and express interest in it.

TLC Star Hits Rock Bottom?
1000-lb Sisters co-star Tammy Slaton is no longer on her weight loss journey. The last few episodes of the show highlighted her descent from it. Dr. Eric Smith let her go as a patient because she was not showing any effort to make progress. He told her that she would be welcomed back to his office if she actually tried. But this was not rock bottom for the larger of the two sisters.

Lately, her siblings worry that she has gone too far. Tammy tells them that she is partying every night with her friends, and most mornings, she is hungover. At her size, partying, drinking, and vaping could be potentially fatal.

Someone who is 650 pounds and not taking care of their body and trying to actively lose weight is given a short time span. Her siblings try and motivate her with love and show her what life can be like after weight loss, but she won’t listen. Even Dr. Smith can’t get through to her.

1000-lb Sisters: What’s Your Dream Tammy Slaton?
Tammy Slaton from 1000-lb Sisters has a heart-to-heart with her sister Amanda Halterman. They talk about her drinking and vaping. She tells her baby sister, “the choices you make affect your health.” Tammy says she knows, and Amanda tells her how much she means to her.

She explains that Tammy means so much to their family that she can’t even describe it. So, she gifts Tammy with something that holds a lot of meaning. Tammy opens her present to see it’s one of their grandmother’s quilts.

Tammy starts to cry and explains that she had a dream where Amanda gave her this quilt. She says, “This is fing crazy. I legit had a dream you f*ing gave me this.” She says she is taking this gift as a sign that her grandmother is still with her and not giving up on her.

Amanda tells her sister that she is sure their grandmother would want Tammy to have a long and happy life. She says, “I’m sorry, but thirty-five years is just not enough.”

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