In a newly surfaced clip of the upcoming episode of 1000-lb Sisters, Chris Combs confronts Tammy Slaton about her new boyfriend and his rather interesting comments on social media.

The clip begins with Tammy getting confronted with concerns from her brother about the fact that Tammy’s boyfriend, Phillip Redmond. It seems as though Phillip has been posting quite a bit on social media about how he doesn’t actually want his girlfriend to get under 300 pounds.

In fact, as her brother pointed out, Phillip has even hinted that he would leave Tammy if she lost too much weight.

For her part, the 1000-lb Sisters star said that she wasn’t really worried about her boyfriend leaving her. In one part of the video, she made it clear that he hadn’t made that proclamation to her. When Chris Combs responded that even if he hadn’t said it to her, he’d said it in public, Tammy responds that she knows exactly what her lover is posting on social media. She also seems completely unbothered by those kinds of comments.

Chris Combs Confronts Tammy Slaton’s Apparent Lack Of Fire

As the conversation in the video continues, it comes out that the family thinks Tammy might be backsliding on wanting to lose weight.

Chris Combs

Chris Combs believes that when Tammy came back from her most recent clinic, she’d actually gained a bit of weight. He added that he wants his sister to be around for another 20 years. It’s clear he doesn’t believe she’s currently on track to do that.

Knowing that she’s not going to admit to gaining weight, rather than losing it, he makes it very clear that that sort of thing is going to get sorted out when she steps on the scale at the doctor’s office.

“That damn thing isn’t going to lie for us,” he tells his sister at one point.

To that comment, Tammy just sits there, apparently taking in what he’d just said. The silence seemed to be a tacit admittal that the scale wouldn’t deliver good news.

Other Questions Arise

After a bit of silence, Tammy was asked whether she’s ready for the doctor’s office. She’s also asked whether she thinks she lost any weight. Her response is quite telling.

“Probably not,” she says. “Not with my luck.”

When her brother asks her how she thinks they should approach the situation. Both with Phillip and the impending weigh-in, Tammy Slaton responds that they should just let her deal with it.

This sparks another outburst. Chris Combs asks her if she’s planning on dealing with being in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. He’s also curious if she’s just going to deal with being mad because she can’t leave the house easily.

As the clip comes to a close and Chris Combs confronts Tammy about their problems, it appears the show is preparing for another bombshell. Is there a chance that Tammy Slaton is already engaged to Phillip? We could find out on Monday night’s installment of 1000-lb Sisters.

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